Chaayran: chaas or ayran?

Last time I was in Istanbul, I made acquaintance with the Turkish yogurt drink, ayran. It was reminiscent of the Indian yogurt drink chaas. Here is my version drawing form both with an African touch- baobab. Enjoy.


Blender with whipping disk.


Serves 2.

  • 1 cup yogurt + 1 cup water with
    • 1 tsp baobab powder + juice of 1/2 lime
    • 1/2 tsp grated ginger (optional)
    • 1/2 tsp black salt powder + dash of regular salt
  • Garnish (optional): lime zest


Run all ingredients except garnish in a blender with a whipping disk, for a minute. Pour into serving glass and garnish.

Serve with meals.


  1. Ayran is usually served with grilled meat and chaas is usually a summer drink with meals.
  2. The ratio of 3/4 cup yogurt to 1 1/2 cup water also works out well.
  3. You could add spices like cumin powder, chilli powder and herbs such as cilantro, mint.

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